Return Completed & Pending Detail Reports

How do I find the returns completed and pending reports?

The Return Completed Detail Report provides additional detail on completed wholesaler returns.

The report gives you the ability to:

✓ Select the Region and/or Pharmacy to view
✓ Select a period by setting the Start and End dates
✓ Sort by column
✓ Use export to Excel for further manipulation

To access the report, go to the Reports tab -> Performance Reports -> Return Completed:

Return Pending Detail Report:

The Return Pending Detail Report provides additional details on items that have been recommended for wholesaler returns but that have not yet been processed.

The report gives you the ability to:

✓ Select the Region and/or Pharmacy to view
✓ Sort by column
✓ Use export to Excel for further manipulation

To access the report, go to the Reports tab -> Performance Reports -> Return Pending:

For detailed instructions, please refer to the Performance Reports section of the Datarithm user manual under Return Completed Detail Report and Return Pending Detail Report. 

You can access the user manual from the help tab within the Datarithm application.
